How many libraries are part of the MSU Libraries?

Q: How many libraries are part of the MSU Libraries?

Answered By: Deborah Lee
Last Updated: Jun 01, 2022 Views: 138

The MSU Libraries include 3 buildings on the main Starkville campus: Mitchell Memorial Library, the main branch; the Bob and Kathy Luke Architecture Library in Giles Hall; and the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Library on the CVM campus.

Additionally, the The Phil Hardin Foundation Libraries (MSU-Meridian College Park campus and the MSU-Riley campus) serve the MSU-Meridian campus and the Gertrude C. Ford Foundation Library (Jackson Design Center) is located in Jackson, MS.

The MSU Libraries also hosts the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library, located on the fourth floor of the Mitchell Memorial Library. The MSU Libraries provides oversight for the Old Main Academic Center.

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