What is the difference between a Database and an Index?

Q: What is the difference between a Database and an Index?

Answered By: Deborah Lee
Last Updated: Jun 02, 2022 Views: 6311

Databases typically aggregate collections of electronic journals, ebooks, and articles to which full-text is available. Examples of library databases are Discovery, Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, IEEE Explore, ACM Digital Library, etc. These databases bring together a collection of materials that are searchable via one interface with links to the full-text of articles or chapters.

An Index is a database of citations, often including information about articles such as abstracts. The Full-text may be available in another database or you may need to request the material though InterLibrary Loan.  Most indexes will have a "Find It" button that allows you to link to other MSU resources and the online catalog.  An example of an index is the rich bibliographic database Scopus.

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