How can I get access to EBSCO Host?

Q: How can I get access to EBSCO Host?

Answered By: Deborah Lee
Last Updated: Jul 26, 2022 Views: 268

We subscribe to many different databases through EBSCO, including but not limited to: AGRICOLA, Academic Search Complete,  Business Source Complete, ERIC, MLA International Bibliography, and PsycINFO.  Depending on your research topic, you would use a different EBSCO database to access information in a specific subject area. 

Discovery  is also an EBSCOHost product.  It searches the majority of the above mentioned databases, plus others.  This would be a good place to start your research if you're not sure which specific subject EBSCO database to go to.  

If you have any further questions on accessing library resources through EBSCOHost, don't hesitate to ask for help!

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