How do I find CDs and DVDs in your collection?

Q: How do I find CDs and DVDs in your collection?

Answered By: Pattye Archer
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2022 Views: 124

DVDs and VHS
On the top left of the Online Catalog is a dropdown menu with "Everything," next to the Home icon. Select “MSU Videos,” and search! You can also browse DVDs and VHS by genre and language

In the Online Catalog, go to Advanced Search. Under Format, select "audio disc" for CDs, then search.

Once you have found the item you want, click on the title and scroll down to find the Library. Write down the Call Number next to the Library and head over to see us! You can also browse the CD, DVD, and video collections in-person at the Digital Media Center (IMC) at Mitchell Memorial Library. 

For other music formats, such as cassette tapes and vinyl records, use the Advanced Search option in the Online Catalog. Under format, select "Music Sound Recording," and conduct your search. On the left-hand side, under Format, hit "more" and limit your search to Audio Cassette or Vinyl Record. 

Be sure to Ask A Librarian if you need help or want more information!